Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeEducationBenevolent Primary School collapses, headteacher calls for support

Benevolent Primary School collapses, headteacher calls for support

By Richmond B Tholley

A primary school in Tonkolili District Northern Sierra Leone has collapsed leaving the kids to use a temporal and dilapidated building.

“The building has collapsed since last year and we have been calling for help but to no avail,” the headteacher has said.

The School, Benevolent Islamic Secondary School is in Yandugu village, in the Sambaia Bendugu Chiefdom.

According to John Sumana Conteh, the headteacher, the school building was brought down last year by a heavy downpour of rain and wind.

Since then, Conteh said the school pupils have been constrained and learning affected. During rainy days, he said the school operation has to stop because the temporary building they are using is also risky.

The school with a roll of 120 pupils, Conteh said is not approved by the Government, and he faces so many challenges to uplift it.

The school, he said has five staff and are all not approved by the Ministry.

He called on non-governmental organizations, individuals, and the Government to help the community in erecting a new building fit for learning.

In Sierra Leone, despite education being one of the government’s mantras, the majority of communities and kids are faced with challenges to access quality education, and Benevolent Islamic Primary School in Yandugu village is just one of them.

The pupils, the head teacher said are currently stocked in an unfinished building that is not fit for learning.



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