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HomeCommentaryThe US elections under the shadow of the murderous attempt against Trump

The US elections under the shadow of the murderous attempt against Trump

By Isidoros Karderinis

The assassination attempt against former US president
and current presidential candidate Donald Trump while he was
addressing a crowd in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday July 13
has deeply shaken the US and is set to define everything until
the November 5 election, which are the most crucial elections in
the history of mankind and concern every person on the planet.
This assassination attempt, the first since that of former
Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1981, marks yet another
new chapter in the dark history of political violence in the US.
After all, the history of the United States is marked by the
assassination of four presidents during their term of office.
Specifically, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
in 1865 in his gallery at Ford’s Theater in Washington by an
actor, John Wilkes Booth. The second president to be
assassinated was James Garfield, 20th President of the United
States, who died after being attacked on July 2, 1881, at a
Washington, D.C. train station by Charles Guiteau, a lawyer who
was desperately looking for a job as a civil servant. William
McKinley, 25th President of the United States, while receiving
dignitaries at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo on
September 6, 1901, was wounded by an anarchist who fired
several bullets. He died a few days later from his injuries.
Finally, in more recent history, many remember November
22, 1963, when John Fitzgerald Kennedy, JFK, was assassinated
in Dallas. That day, around 12:30 p.m., as the presidential
limousine drove through the crowds that had gathered in the
streets of Dallas, gunshots rang out. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
immediately collapsed, with his wife Jackie at his side. The 35th
American President was then pronounced dead at 1:00 PM at
the hospital.

The attack, therefore, is an event, which without a doubt is
going to bring about changes in the political developments of the
already turbulent pre-election period. A period that has already
gone through forty waves after Joe Biden’s self-destructive
appearance in the debate, which raised serious questions about

his age, his intellectual clarity, but also about his ability to
conduct a dynamic election campaign, and which ultimately led
to his resignation from the candidacy for the upcoming
presidential elections. The targeting of the former president at a rally just days
before the acceptance of the anointing by the Republican
National Convention in Milwaukee which was carried out on July
15-18, is an attack on Democracy and the right of every
American citizen to choose their leaders. The violence that
infects and affects American political life is clearly antithetical
to Democracy.

It was August 31, 2023 when the militant journalist and
former Fox News host Tucker Carlson estimated that Donald
Trump might be assassinated after impeachment campaigns,
accusations and smears failed miserably to dent his popularity.
The ruthless 20-year-old perpetrator Thomas Matthew
Crooks and ruthless because his shots killed at least one
American citizen and seriously injured two others, one very
seriously, was a member of the international far-left
organization “ANTIFA” and an extreme supporter of Joe Biden
and the Democrats. He had even donated $15 to a political
action committee that raised money for Democratic politicians.
However, he had after also registered with the Republicans
(or at least “appeared” a “convenient” registration) in order to
be able to be at Trump’s speech and be able to get close enough
to fire his killer shots.

The American Republic in recent years has suffered the
most brutal interventions of the “deep state”, i.e. the military-
industrial complex and the security and intelligence services.
This period is the most dangerous in US history, because the
“deep state” along with its political operatives and complicit
media demonized the former president, not caring that they
were dividing American society and cultivating the climate for
the assassination attempt on Trump. So, many American citizens became addicted to hate
Trump to death, since every day the complicit media propagated
with countless vulgarities that the former president was a
“disgusting traitor”, a “Russian agent”, a “new Hitler”, or a
“psychopathic tyrant”.

The entangled media with the “deep state” which give no reason, are not controlled, but they have
enormous powers to destroy the rights and liberties of the
American people as defined by the Constitution. And today we again see some complicit media, in order to
avoid the possible heroization of Trump, rushing to completely
deconstruct the fact of the attempted political assassination,
spreading with disinformation tactics rumors that the near-
assassin had no political activity or extreme ideology, but simply
he had psychological problems. The specific former president, therefore, is considered an
independent personality who is not influenced by the so-called
“deep state” and is inspired by a patriotic political mentality.
Donald Trump is pro-America, anti-world government, and pro-
ending the war in Ukraine, the continuation of which poses a
very serious risk of nuclear war and thus the total destruction of
humanity. Trump is the second leader of the anti-woke agenda
after Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico that they attempted
to assassinate within two months, and while Trump is running
dynamically for the presidency of the United States.

A woke agenda that wants to abolish religions, nations, the
institution of the family, genders and traditional relationships
and in general any traditional value that exists since the time
when people began to consciously perceive themselves. A woke
agenda that wants to create states that will be inhabited by
mobs without national consciousness and identity, so
populations that can be easily managed and controlled by the
rulers of the planet. The internationalist class that has imposed this woke
agenda through the media, education and every national
criminal and civil code considers as “red flags” those leaders
who react vigorously and resist and has put them in its sights.
The assassination attempt on Donald Trump, then, could
propel him to a landslide victory in the November election as his
image as a fighter constantly under attack from his enemies will
now be even more deeply entrenched in conjunction with a
given wave of sympathy. The prospect of his victory, after all,
was already established in everyone’s minds, but what may
change now is its potential size.

And in this direction, the historic decision of Robert
Kennedy on August 23, 2024, which originates from the
democratic party, to withdraw his candidacy for the presidential
elections and support the candidacy of Donald Trump, will play
an important role. In closing, I would like to emphasize that the American
people will have to fight stubbornly and with great perseverance
to free themselves from the federal “deep state”. “Fight!” was the
phrase of a bloodied and battered at right ear Donald Trump
seconds after his assassination attempt, simultaneously raising
his fist in the air, encouraging the large crowd of his supporters
and ultimately creating an iconic image that will go down in

Curriculum vitae
Isidoros Karderinis was born in Athens in 1967. He is a
journalist, novelist and poet. He studied economics and
completed postgraduate studies in tourism economics. His
articles have been published in newspapers, magazines and
websites around the world. His poems have been translated into
English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish,
Romanian, Bulgarian and Albanian and published in poetic
anthologies, literary magazines and literary newspaper
columns. He has published eight books of poetry and three
novels in Greece. His books have been translated and published
in the United States, Great Britain, Italy and Spain.
Facebook: Karderinis Isidoros



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