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HomeLocal NewsKarene celebrates as Ashkenzi Mining Company set to boost S/Leone’s economy

Karene celebrates as Ashkenzi Mining Company set to boost S/Leone’s economy

Section Chiefs and community stakeholders of Syria, Kimbia Section in the Sanda Loko Chiefdom in KareneDistrict on Saturday 1st June 2024, expressed massive felicitation over the windfall that Ashkenazi Minerals 

During a visit to Syria, Kimbia Section in the SandaLoko Chiefdom in Karene District on Saturday 1st June 2024 by investors of Ashkenazi Minerals SL, they informed chiefdom authorities and residents of the community that apart from their interest in developing the communities in which they operate, their focus is also to support the growth of the country’s economy through regular payment of royalty, taxes and other financial obligations.  

This assurance was made before Paramount Chiefs, Section Chiefs and community stakeholders of Syria, Kimbia Section in the Sanda Loko Chiefdom in KareneDistrict and they expressed massive felicitation over the windfall that Ashkenazi Mining Company is seeking to bring into the mining sector. 

Having signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with stakeholders of the prospective mining site in the Sanda Loko Chiefdom in Karene District, the Ashkenazi Mining Company has assured stakeholders and residents that if they are approved by government, they will transform their communities by not only paying their surface rent, taxes to government, compliance to its Corporate Social Responsibility, but will also provide basic social amenities by constructing schools, mosques, churches, good roads and providing scholarship opportunities for their children as a way of complementing government’s free quality education programme. 

Speaking on behalf of the land owners, Abdulai Contehthanked and welcomed the dynamic team of the Ashkenazi Mining Company for coming to their community. Mr. Conteh went on to describe Syria community as peaceful, and assured the Ashkenazi Mining Company that as land owners, they will do all within their powers to ensure their safety and protection at all times. 

“We are pleased to hand over our land to you to conduct your mining activities,” said Mr. Conteh. He further stated that, after their mining activities the land should be handed over to its rightful owners. 

Speaking on behalf of the Section Chiefs, LamranaBangura welcomed members of the Ashkenzi Mining Company and assured them of their unflinching support towards their mining activities in KareneDistrict. 

Mr. Bangura commended the Director of the Ashkenazi Mining Company, John Sorie Kamara for his steadfast contribution in the community.  He thanked John SorieKamara for always standing by the community. 

On behalf of the company, the Director of Ashkenazi Mining Company disclosed to the gathering that he has been in the mining sector for over nineteen years. He explained further that, as an avid miner, while doing his Artisanal Mining, he discovered some places in Syria village that are suitable for major mining investment. Based on that, he stated that, he went in search of a credible mining company that will be willing to invest in that part of the country so that the Government and People of Sierra Leone would benefit. 

Thankfully, he continued to state that, the Ashkenazi Minerals SL Company expressed interest in visiting the mining site in Sierra Leone. After the visitation, he told the gathering that, the Ashkenazi Mining Company expressed their willingness to invest in the land by conducting mining exploration and small scale mining. 

Speaking on behalf of the investor of Ashkenazi Minerals SL, Artem Volchenko thanked the community stakeholders for welcoming them into their community. He expressed optimism that both the community and the investors will enjoy the partnership which they have signed few months ago. He assured members of the community that they will continue to support developmental activities and help build the capacity of people residing in the community. He further disclosed that when they start operations in the community, they will bring in advance technological equipment which will be used in teaching members of the community and build their knowledge in different mining activities. 

Also, the Chief Executive Director of Ashkenazi Minerals SL, Dr. Berkalieva Meruert commended members of the community for the kind gesture in receiving them into their community. She assured stakeholders of the community that they will help in supporting the community with basic infrastructural facilities and rebrand the community. 

“We will build schools, construct the roads, construct religious centers and grant scholarships to pupils of this village,” she informed the gathering, assuring further that, despite their CSR they will ensure that they support other sectors in creating meaningful impact in the community. 

The engagement was climaxed with traditional dance and other attractive ceremonies. The event was also witnessed by the youths, women and children who were very optimistic of coming transformation of their villages. 



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